Community Gallery

We’re noticing the wildlife around our homes, gardens and during our daily exercise more and more. As the seasons change there are many opportunities to see the creatures that live around us.

This page is for our community and that includes you! We’ll be featuring your wildlife sightings, Crafty Creature makes and creations. Check back later for updates and see below for how you can feature here too.

Feature in our community gallery:

Share your wildlife sightings or Crafty Creature makes with us using the form below:

Did you know that schools can share projects here too? Scroll down to discover how students at Primakov School in Moscow have been discovering and creating with nature.

Your Crafty Creature makes:

Your wildlife sightings:

Primakov School: Healing Nature project:

Primakov G4 students

In a garden, an ecosystem of small creatures, a bee colony is under threat from the same dangers to Earth and to human’s, reduced by scale but as disastrous as war, disease, hunger. Without the bees the natural order is compromised.

This is the theme of “War and Peace in The Hive” an exhibition by the Primary students at Primakov School in Moscow Region, Russia created with their Art Teacher, Linda Landers.

“War and Peace in The Hive” Colony Collapse

We wanted the focus to be a planet is on the edge, at the smallest level, balance is fragile. Artwork in the exhibition was created over two months by students in Grade 1,2,3 and 4.

Want to create your own?

Children used upcycled paper from the cafeteria, collected for this and other art projects. The paper was used for the plants, caterpillars and butterflies made by Grade 1 and 2; frogs and lizards are by students in Grade 4; bee colony by Grade 3.

The plants and frog tower are made from repurposed cardboard cylinders, upcycled boxes were covered with felt for plinths on which to elevate the garden. Staff and children collected food containers used by the food service to make the wings for the Bees and Giant Killer Flies.

#ZoologyLive gallery 2021:

Your submissions from our three summer challenges; the Butterfly Challenge 2021, Protest Plastics Challenge and What’s in that Cowpat?

Butterfly Challenge 2021:

You can also see all of the Butterfly Challenge submissions on iRecord by clicking the button below:

Protest Plastics Challenge:
Protest plastics sculpture by Alex. A mushroom shape in pink and orange with plastic bottle-cap eyes

“Mushroom Man” by Alex & Ethan

Alex says “I made this sculpture with my brother. We are sad that plastics kill creatures like Mo the sea turtle”

Salt dough sculpture of turtle and plastic, a sign reads 'help! plastic is in my mouth. I can't get it out. Avoid this by not using plastic'


“The Deep Sea” by Siddharthan K.A

The sign reads “Help! Plastic is in my mouth, I can’t get it out. Avoid this by not using plastic”

Salt dough sculpture or a green turtle with a bag in its mouth. The bag has 'polythene' written on it

“Green Turtle” by Diksha Bishnoi

What’s in that Cowpat? Challenge:


#ZoologyLive gallery 2020:

Your submissions from our Recycled Makes and LEGO challenges:

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